
Thou Shall Not E-Mail!

April 24, 2013

By: Gary Kessler

For better or worse, E-Mail has changed how common interest developments are governed. It has enabled more volunteer Board members to actively participate in the day to day operation of their common interest developments. Through the use of E-mail, Board members instantly can be apprised by their managing agents as to the status of construction, maintenance efforts, landscaping, homeowner complaints, and collection efforts. Rather than mailing opinion letters or litigation documents to the property manager for their submission to the Board at a later date, lawyers can E-mail such information to the Board members upon receipt.

The receipt of such transmissions can, and often does, provoke immediate thought and discussion among Board members regarding the information provided. Such discussion typically is helpful in promptly gathering information, addressing legal issues, developing strategies, settling disputes, and directing the conduct of Association’s attorneys, managing agents and vendors. Starting January 1, 2012, however, Board members may receive E-mail communications from their managing agents, vendors, and attorneys, but they will be unable to respond to each other regarding these communications

In response to complaints of “secret” Board meetings, the California legislature has passed a bill which if, as expected, is executed by Governor Brown will ban volunteer Directors from discussing, outside of a Board meeting, “any action within the authority of the board except those . . . validly delegated to any other person or persons, managing agent, officer of the association, or committee. . . .” Association, furthermore, is expressly barred from discussing business and making decisions via a series of electronic transmissions. The one exception to this rule is that a Board may conduct an emergency meeting via E-mail if “all” Board members consent to such a electronic conference. (The Directors’ written consents must be filed in the Association’s minutes.)

This E-mail ban may slow down and increase the cost of Association governance. It likely will necessitate more special executive session meetings to address issues that arise in between regularly scheduled meetings. Except for emergency meetings, the Association now must provide its members with at least two days prior notice of an executive session meeting. Unless the homeowner expressly consents to E-mail notice, the Association must bear the cost to provide notice of executive session meetings by mail or hand delivery. While members are not entitled to attend executive session meetings, they are now entitled under the new law to obtain copies of executive session agendas upon request.

While the bill authorizes homeowner Boards to conduct meetings telephonically, the Association still must give written notice of the meetings to the members, four days for open meetings and two days for executive session. If a Board decides to do so, the notice must specify the physical location of at least one participating director and permit the members to listen to, and participate in, the teleconference at that location.

Only time will tell if this statutory amendment will accomplish its stated goal of achieving governing “transparency.” Somehow, it seems doubtful that homeowners sending emails to their volunteer Board members demanding that mold in their unit be abated immediately will be happy to wait until the next Board meeting for the Board to discuss such a request. To the contrary, it is not difficult to imagine that in this litigation happy society a Director’s response that “I am legally prohibited from speaking with other Board members in the interim period,” will be answered with a summons and complaint. The Director then will be faced with the conundrum of what to do with the complaint if he cannot discuss it with his/her fellow directors.

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